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The canoe: bearer of traditions

Huron-Wendat Museum,

4elements produced the temporary exhibition: The Canoe, Bearer of Traditions at the Huron-Wendat Museum in Quebec City. This exhibition allows the transmission and preservation of ancestral know-how in cedar canoe making techniques. 

The exhibition deals with the history and the imagination surrounding the canoe, the different manufacturing techniques in Wendake as well as the oral tradition of the elders surrounding the cedar canoe. An interactive experience shares the secrets of Huron-Wendat know-how, as if you were in the workshop of craftsman Maurice Picard Jr. - Huron-Wendat Museum

The exhibition, which is multimedia, fun, interactive and contactless, presents the crafting of canoes for 4 generations, the traditions, tales and legends surrounding the canoe. Visitors are invited through the exhibition in the form of an interactive and virtual quest to choose the 5 steps to build a cedar canoe.

Want to paddle further with us? A complementary immersion in the form of fun questions will also be accessible via web links! Discover some of the interactive terminals that will be revealed progressively over the months here and on site in collaboration with mysmartjourney.com! - Huron-Wendat Museum

To find out more about the exhibition, click on the following links: